Attend 3 meetings or MLS events in a 12 month period. On or after the 3rd meeting or event, your name will then be put before members at the 3rd (or next) meeting and membership will be voted on. Provide some basic information. Pay your membership fee. If you are not present at time of vote, once your membership has been approved by a vote, annual dues are $20 per individual or family and should be paid during the meeting you join. Renewals should be paid to the Treasurer at the January meeting.
Our meetings are scheduled on the third Tuesday of each month, excluding July, when we bow to Phoenix summer temperatures and take the month off. Meetings are held at the North Mountain Visitor Center, 12950 N. 7th Street in Phoenix and start at 7:00PM.
Each month, we feature educational presentations by guest speakers or skill demonstration by local artisans, some of which are our own members, and may include some hands-on activities. There are door prizes and refreshments. Visitors are welcome!
Our members may be able to help if you bring a sample to a monthly meeting. Tip: a fresh surface along with the location where the sample was found will really help with the identification.
Currently, we are not sponsoring or organizing field trips. We pair with other local clubs and share information at meetings regarding any upcoming field trips with our members and include announcements on our home page. By becoming a member, you will receive trip details, such as who to contact, what to expect, where and when to meet, and what to bring. This information will be available at monthly meetings or via email.